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Cub Scouting is for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. (Age 5 though 11) 


Being a Cub Scout means you are a member of a worldwide youth movement that stands for certain values and beliefs. Cub Scouting is more than something to do. It's all about the kid you are and the person you will become.


While various activities and youth groups teach basic skills and promote teamwork, Scouting goes beyond that and encourages youth to achieve a deeper appreciation for service to others in their community.
Scouting provides youth with a sense that they are important as individuals. It is communicated to them that those in the Scouting family care about what happens to them, regardless of whether a game is won or lost.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, Scouting promotes activities that lead to personal responsibility and high self-esteem. As a result, when hard decisions have to be made, peer pressure can be resisted and the right choices can be made.




12 Core Values and the Scout Law

Cub Scouts learn and strive to live by the Scout Law:

A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind,

obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent

Many of the core values of Cub Scouting relate directly to the Scout Law:



Scout Law








Core Value





Health and Fitness


Positive Attitude

Cub Scout Motto

Do Your Best


Cub Scout Colors

The Cub Scout colors are blue and gold. 
The blue stands for truth and spirituality, steadfast loyalty, and the sky above.

The gold stands for warm sunlight, good cheer, and happiness.

Together, they symbolize what Cub Scouting is all about. 


Law of the Pack

The Cub Scout follows Akela. 
The Cub Scout helps the pack go.

The pack helps the Cub Scout grow. 

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