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Pack 216 Leadership


Develops, directs and assists in carrying out the master plan.
Maintains good relations with parents and scouts, other packs. and troops. Leads monthly Pack Meetings.


Assistant Cubmasters
Assists and fills in for the Cubmaster as needed. 
Participates in pack meetings.
Assists in selecting and supervises den chiefs.
Organizes and assures training for pack leaders.

Committee Chair
Maintains a close relationship with our Chartered organization.
Confers with the Cubmaster on policy matters.
Supervises pack committee.
Supports the policies of the BSA.

Maintains a pack budget and executes the finances for the pack
 Collects dues and maintains records
 Reports the financial condition of the pack resources at leader meetings

Keeps minutes of meetings.
Creates and/or distributes forms for the pack.
Pack correspondence.


Advancements Chair
Helps to plan advancement ceremonies and graduations.
Promotes the wearing and proper use of uniform and insignia.


Outings Coordinator
Helps the Cubmaster plan and arrange outings.
Promotes day camp.

Helps maintain record of all Pack assets and guides the Pack Committee on replacement or repair needs



Membership Chair
he Membership Chair is responsible for ensuring all proper paperwork

and recharter documentation is completed each year and that all

health forms are on file.


Training Chair
Keeps records of all Registered Adult Leaders and makes sure those who need updated training receive it


Popcorn Kernel
Organizes and helps the Pack meet its annual fundraising goal



Assistant Popcorn Kernel
Aids in the needs of the Popcorn Kernel



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